Thursday, September 17, 2015

Birth of Christ

Luke 1:5-44. First of all we can set a date in verse 5, with "the course of Abia". This was the eighth of the priestly courses of ministration in the Temple (I Chron. 24:10), and occurred, as did the others, twice in the year.  The "Courses" were changed every week, beginning each with a Sabbath.  The reckoning commenced on the 22nd day of Tisri or Ethanim. This was the eighth and last day of the Feast of Tabernacles = the "Great Day of the Feast" (John 7:37), and was a Sabbath (Lev. 23:39)  The first course fell by lot to Jehoiarib, and the eighth to Abia or Abijah (1Chron. 24:10).  Bearing in mind that all the courses served together at the three Great Feasts, the dates for the two yearly "ministrations" of Abiah will be seen to fall as follows:
The first ministration was from 12 - 18 Chisleu = December 6 - 12.
The second ministration was from 12 -18 Sivan = June 13 - 19.
Now Zacharias's course of Abia was June 13-19. Read through to verse 23 of Luke chapter 1, where it says, when Zacharias's ministration was accomplished, he departed to his own house. This is a two day journey on foot, which puts the date at June 21st- 22nd. In the following verse 24, Elizabeth conceived and hid herself 5 months which would put the date at November 23rd- 24th. In verse 26, in the sixth month when Gabriel went to Mary to tell her that a son would be born to her and his name shall be called Jesus, Luke 1:26-33. Look at verses 39-47, In verses 41 and 44 this documents that in the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, Mary went to see her and John leaped in Elizabeth's womb. Proving the Holy Spirit was with Jesus in Mary's womb and the date he was conceived is December 25th. Now count nine months later and you get a date of September 29th, if you have a Bullinger's Companion Bible all these dates are given to you in Appendix 179. Another scripture you can document this with is Luke 2, Rome's first taxation in Judea. Most of all the people walked to pay taxes, so Rome would have never made the time of taxation, in a time of the year when people couldn't make it. September is very pleasant in Jerusalem, cool but not cold like December when there is snow. Go down to chapter 2:8, the shepherds were abiding in the field. This would have been impossible to have sheep of Lebanon in the field in Winter. The shepherds usually slaughter their sheep before Winter or very rarely put them in stalls, for lack of food for them.
Also check out shepherds in your encyclopedia, it will verify this statement.
The Conception of John Baptist on or about 23rd SIVAN = June 24 in the year 5 B.C.  
The Gennesis (Begetting) of our Lord on or about 1st TEBETH = December 25 in the year 5 BC.  


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