Thursday, September 17, 2015

Times & Days

First of all, let’s set in stone the times in which we are to understand. There are five specific
periods of "time" and "days" mentioned in the Book of Daniel (7:25; 8:14; 12:7,11, 12).  In
addition to these five, we have the great period of the "seventy sevens" (or weeks) of years in chapter 9:24-27.  Sixty-nine of these was completed at the "cutting off" of the Messiah (29 A.D.); the last of "seventieth seven" is yet to come.  All the other five periods of time in the book are to be referred to, and are standardized, so to speak, by this last "seven.”

The "seventy weeks" (sevens) are confessedly to be reckoned as years.  Therefore, on the
basis of a Jewish year of 360 days, one "seven" is 360 x 7 = 2,520 days. The prince that
shall come" (Antichrist) "will make a covenant with many for one week" (i.e. seven years)
(Daniel 9:27); this is the beginning of Satan’s governmental system being put into place, Rev. 9:1-11, and Rev. 13:1-2. After 3 ½ years, on grounds not stated, he breaks this covenant (or "league", Daniel 11:23), the daily sacrifice is "taken away", the "abomination" set up, and "Jacob's trouble" (Jer. 30:7) commences and continues for the remainder of the "seven" (1,260 days or 3 ½ years) Rev. 13:3-5. It is this "midst of the week" that determines the last seven year period and half of that being 3 ½ years.

So, now that all these time periods are laid out, let’s align time sequence. We know that the
seven years has been shortened to five months, Matt 24:22, Mark 13:20, Rev 9:4-5. This
would mean that there would be two sets of 3 ½ years equaling seven years total. So the
seven-year period is now the shortened period of 5 months then we would have two sets of 2 ½ month periods. As stated above in Daniel 9:27 this seven-year period also equals one
week. So therefore if in the midst of the week he causes the sacrifice and oblation to cease,
this means the people stop worshipping the true Christ and start worshipping Satan thinking
he is Christ.

There is another time associated with the seven years and that is (one hour), Rev. 3:10, Matt 10:19, Matt 20:12, Matt 26:40, Mark 14:37, Luke 12:12, Luke 12:39, and John 12:27. In Rev. 8:1 the seventh seal is opened and there is silence in Heaven for half an hour. We should know that all the seals have to be given before Satan arrives here on earth so this is very significant. The Accuser, one of Satan’s names in Rev. 12:7-10, and as is written in verse 10 accuses our brethren day and night, that is why there is silence in Heaven for half an hour. If therefore the hour represents 5 months then Satan is cast out for 2 ½ months. So, as stated above in the second paragraph, Satan will set up his governmental (political), religious, economic, and educational (deception, smoke, lies as written in Rev. 9:1-3) systems to sting them by his locust army (nephilym- fallen angels) which work through the Kenites who run all those systems, to set the world in dire straits so when he does appear (Satan) they will believe he is God. As for the "months and days” written in Rev. 11:2-3, this makes a clear difference, in such that a solar calendar is 10.6 days, per year, longer than a lunar calendar. This scripture tells us the two witnesses will be here 10 or 11 days prior to the appearance of Satan.


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